Women on Water: Empowering women in sailing
by Oakcliff Sailing 25 Aug 2023 15:54 UTC

Women on Water: Empowering women in sailing © Oakcliff Sailing
Dawn recently had the honor of coaching the 20th Women on Water (WOW) Match racing clinic in her hometown of Detroit, Michigan.
This event featured an intense clinic on Saturday with on-the-water coaching and match racing drills, followed by a full day of racing on Sunday. They saw a great turnout with 36 women attending the clinic. Walking through the Yacht Club, Dawn heard multiple comments from sailors that they were amazed at the amount of women at this year's event. Joining in on the fun was Dawn's mother Prudy and her niece Emma. The WOW Clinic and Regatta has been instrumental in introducing and empowering women in the sport of sailing. Read more about WOW and Bayview Yacht Club's commitment to growing the sport below.
After-racing festivities included Hummers for the adults and milkshakes for the kids. For those who don't know, Hummers are a drink, famous in the Midwest, that was created by bartender Jerome Adams at Bayview Yacht Club. The ingredients include Kahlua, Vodka, and Myers Rum, topped with Sander's French Vanilla Ice Cream. For those of you who are 21+, we suggest giving this classic (and delicious) Bayview drink a try:).
Women on Water Article