Oakcliff Sailing Boot Camp + Grade 4
by Oakcliff Sailing 28 Apr 2023 13:31 UTC

Boot Camp Grade 4 © Oakcliff Sailing
The Race Admin Boot Camp included modules in race administration, event organization, on-water equipment and maintenance, party planning, umpiring, and media. Oh, and there was a lesson in sandwich making!
The most popular and established module was the umpire training. Bruce Cook led the two-day training, and there were so many Umpires in Training that the umpire boats were standing room only!
Media day had a guest expert, Ron Weiss, from the Storm Trysail Club. He made the mistake of emailing me and asking how he might help. We invited him to visit for a day and put him to work immediately. He covered photography, press release writing and distribution, social media, and video practice, both in front and behind the cameras. We look forward to his return!
On the water, Chris Kennedy led two mornings of practice, with races in the afternoons. At the end of the weekend, John Brendel won the regatta, followed by Eric Belda and Ward Brooks, who seemed to have been studying his pre-starts over the winter.
We will likely be running an additional bootcamp in the late summer or early fall. If you are interested please email Patrice and let us know what timing works best for you and your organization.
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