Yorkeys Knob boat ramp
by TMR 16 Jun 2018 04:56 UTC
Yorkeys Knob boat ramp © Queensland Government
The Department of Transport and Main Roads (TMR) is progressing a project to construct a new recreational boat launching facility at Yorkeys Knob.
Recent investigations have clearly demonstrated there is an urgent need for additional recreational boat launching facilities to cater for current and future forecast demand in the Cairns area, particularly in the northern beaches.
The new boat ramp and associated on-land facilities will be constructed on vacant state-owned land outside Yorkeys Knob Boating Club and Half Moon Bay Golf Club, with an access road on land between the two clubs.
The ramps themselves will be built immediately west of the existing harbour at Yorkeys Knob, outside the marina walls.
This new facility will improve safety, reduce 'ramp rage' and reduce wait times, which means more time out on the water for boaties.
Project scope
- Six-lane boat ramp with two floating walkways
- two new breakwaters for wave protection
- a dredged basin at the end of the ramps
- an access channel connecting to the existing dredged entrance servicing Half Moon Creek, Bluewater Marina, and Trinity Park canal estate
- a sealed car-trailer park on state land to accommodate cars with trailers
- a new access road to connect the proposed boating facility to Buckley Street.
There is still a lot of work to be done before construction can commence. The project team will undertake a number of marine approvals and geotechnical investigations, as well as develop designs.
As the proposed site is also located within the Great Barrier Reef Coast Marine Park, TMR needs to obtain appropriate approvals from associated environmental agencies.
At this time, we hope to commence construction in 2020, however this is dependent on a number of variables and subject to change.
Why Yorkeys Knob?
Yorkeys Knob was identified as a strategic location for additional boat launching facilities through TMR's recreational boating survey undertaken in 2016. The study concluded that there is an urgent need for additional boat ramps north of Cairns, and that Yorkeys Knob was the most suitable location for such a facility due its central location, access to the open sea, and proximity to the Great Barrier Reef.
In 2016, a Reference Group including elected representatives, TMR, Cairns Regional Council and local boaties investigated multiple locations between Cairns and Ellis Beach, and found most were unsuitable due to tide restrictions, availability of suitable land, environmental impacts, exposure to open waters and dredging requirements. The group eventually identified Yorkeys Knob as the preferred location to focus further investigations.
TMR's earlier proposal to construct new ramps inside the marina was found to be problematic, and, after community feedback, was abandoned in late 2017.
For more information
TMR needs your input to ensure we deliver a functional facility that meets the needs of Cairns boaties and is acceptable to local residents and clubs. If you have any questions or feedback, or would like to be added to the project mailing list, please contact the project team:
Phone: 4045 7115
Email: boatinginfrastructure@tmr.qld.gov.au
Web: tmr.qld.gov.au/YorkeysKnob
Post: Department of Transport and Main Roads
PO Box 6185, Cairns, Queensland, 4870