Tide to Table: beneath the husk
by Penn Fishing 20 Mar 16:30 UTC

Capt. Johnston McCurry and Chef Ray England © Penn Fishing
Ask anyone about the perks that come with living in Charleston and they'll respond with two things - the food and the fishing.
Home to an amazing fishery, Charleston anglers of all skill levels enjoy everything from offshore and nearshore waters to navigating the tiny local tidal creeks and piers in hunt of various delicious species. Docks and oyster beds double as stellar homes to fish that make their way onto menus all over town. Thanks to the bountiful spoils provided by this fishing hub, one of the most well-known culinary centers of the south has been able to serve up unforgettable dishes for years.
"It's an incredible thing understanding where your food comes from because you are taking a life so you have to respect that. I think if you realize that, you're going to give that fish as much attention and care as you can on the eating side of things."
Capt. Johnston McCurry
PENN Fleet Captain Johnston McCurry grew up fishing the waters of Charleston. With Charleston harbor and three river systems coming together providing freshwater and saltwater in one location, there's no shortage of fishing. It's that abundance of water and thriving ecosystem that drew Capt. McCurry to become a full-time charter captain.
Chef Ray England
Originally from Idaho, Chef Ray England traveled all over the country honing his culinary chops before settling in the lowcountry. His desire to spend time outdoors and experience all that Charleston has to offer helped to educate and provide Chef Ray a leg up as he established a true appreciation for where his ingredients are sourced from.
A thriving fishery
A common theme always seems to prevail amongst the captains of PENN and chefs relying on them for their establishments - respect for the fish. Both professionals are acutely aware that the only way they remain in business is through healthy fisheries with cared-for ecosystems where fish can thrive.
Captains like Johnston McCurry depend on the fish to produce for their clients' on a daily basis and folks like Chef England are reliant upon the local seafood offerings to pay delectable homage to the bounty of the region. The blend of the fishery and genuine appreciation for what comes out of it by local chefs creates a beautiful harmony throughout the city.
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