Bow to the Silver King
by Penn Fishing 31 Mar 2023 15:29 UTC

Bow to the Silver King © Penn Fishing
With undeniable strength and a knack for acrobatics, even the most experienced anglers must bow to the Silver King.
It's that time of year again; the tarpon have left their winter haunts and are on the hunt for their next meal. Now is the time to put your gear, and yourself, to the test against these drag-screaming, high-flying gamefish. These monsters will challenge even the most experienced angler. Between their keen eyesight and tough hide, it's nearly impossible to hook a tarpon. And even if you do hook them, they'll put up a fight unlike any other as you try to battle them to the boat.
Tarpon are widely considered the ultimate inshore sportfish. People travel the world and spend years just to get a shot at one of these huge, silver-armored fish. With keen eyesight, metallic armor, a head like a brick and a mouth like a rock, it is almost impossible to hook a tarpon.
Each spring, tarpon converge on the southern tip of Florida to spawn and gorge on palolo worms. The action heats up under the full moon with schools of tarpon staging in deep channels. This is the best time to find hundreds of fish swirling below the surface. But even with tarpon rolling around the boat, there are no guarantees. Are you ready?
Get the gear our fleet of Penn captains rely on for tarpon.