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Palm Beach Motor Yachts

Oyster reefs are proving their value

by Recreational Fishing Alliance of NSW 22 Jan 23:14 UTC
Oyster reefs are proving their value © Recreational Fishing Alliance of NSW

In late 2019, NSW DPIRD Fisheries started the State's first large scale oyster reef restoration project in Port Stephens as part of the NSW Marine Estate Management Strategy.

The project aimed to help bring back lost oyster reefs that were heavily impacted in the early colonial era from over harvesting, removal for lime mortar and oyster disease.

DPIRD Fisheries scientists are observing increases in the recreationally important species, Yellowfin Bream and Dusky Flathead around the oyster reef restoration sites. Additional funding from the NSW Recreational Fishing Saltwater Trust, has supported a recent study into how these fish species are using the new habitats by using acoustic telemetry to track their movements. This approach allows scientists to pin-point the position of fish tagged with transmitters in relation to habitat features such as oyster reefs or mangrove forests.

Over 120 days, the movement of 20 Dusky Flathead and 20 Yellowfin Bream were tracked in and around the Port Stephens oyster reef restoration sites. Over 100,000 positions were recorded, showing it clear that both species use the new habitats. Both species were recorded every day of the monitoring period in the restoration area, with Dusky Flathead appearing to move further into the shallow waters of the reef during high tides.

This research is providing clear data on the importance of oyster reef restoration for fish and how it can benefit recreational fishers.

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