Jarrett Bay Boatworks new construction updates: Hull #68, Hull #64
by Jarrett Bay Boatworks 3 Oct 2024 18:19 UTC

Hull #68: 90' Sportfisherman © Jarrett Bay Boatworks
Hull #68: 90' Sportfisherman
Forward waste and water tanks are undergoing pressure testing, and the bilge spaces are primed for painting. Engine room fairing is in progress, and wire chases are being installed in the pump room. The exhaust system is nearly complete, and the salon floor and air-intake boxes are in their final stages. Check out these 2,600 hp MTU power packs that are ready to go in!
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Hull #64: 68' Sportfisherman
Hull 64 is approaching its splash date quickly. The transom name is complete, and the bridge is in its final sanding before the topcoat. Rudders and wheels are being installed as launch preparations continue, with interior details progressing steadily. The teakwork in the cockpit is nearly finished, bringing the space to its final, polished look.
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