Introducing Fish the Moons
by Fish the Moons 11 May 2024 14:45 UTC
The Ultimate Blue Marlin World Series Challenge © Fish the Moons
The Ultimate Blue Marlin World Series Challenge
After more than 30 years invested in offshore fishing, chronicling global blue marlin tournament catch stats and drawing correlations with moon phases, an evolutionary angling experience, appropriately named Fish the Moons launches May, 2024. Captain Pete Rae, who created this worldwide series targeting big blue marlin during the five full moons of summer—May through September, invites teams from all oceans to compete on the world stage in five exciting events designed for tackling the biggest blue marlin on the planet.
This “no boundaries” competition redefines the modern marlin tournament, attracting anglers from across the globe to fish out of the port of their choosing for one of two days during five seasonal moons, while encouraging enthusiasts to follow their big fish exploits over the internet and social media. With prize pools that will reflect the scale of the challenge, anglers will compete for substantial cash rewards alongside world-wide bragging rights and accolades, solidifying their place in the history books of blue marlin fishing.
Seeking the counsel of tournament directors and fishing veterans across the globe to bring this series to life, Capt. Pete confirms that Fish the Moons promises participants an unparalleled challenge. “We look forward to attracting the best sportfishing teams and building the most unique blue marlin series in the world,” says Rae.
Explore the tournament dates and details or register now at
How it works: Each of the five events will have a winner-take-all purse for the team landing the heaviest blue marlin weighing 500 pounds or more. There will also be an optional Series Calcutta for the largest two marlin weighed over the course of the five events.
By breaking down the geographic boundaries of traditional tournament fishing, the Fish the Moons series aims to attract the best sportfishing teams from around the world, competing in different time zones on the day of their choosing. Teams can fish on days, boats and locations they wish, register for any number of the five events in an a-la-carte fashion, and opt into additional dates, levels and calcutta as desired.
Participants will be responsible for choosing which of the two days per moon event as their lines-in day, as well as securing certified weigh stations at their location(s) and for following all other tournament rules and guidelines. Teams are welcome to be entered in local tournaments while also selecting their Fish the Moons fishing day(s).
In consultation with tournament veteran, Deirdre Bell Loftin and other marine industry experts, supporters have brought organizational and marketing expertise to position Fish the Moons for an exciting launch. Initial solicitations have secured some of the world’s most accomplished teams and respected brands in the industry, underscoring the significance of this series on the big game fishing scene.
For more information, including registration details, rules, and sponsorship opportunities, visit the official Fish the Moons website at
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