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Maritimo 2023 M600 LEADERBOARD

RC Laser TT at Fleetwood Model Yacht Club

by Tony Wilson 12 Dec 2021 11:57 UTC 28 November - 5 December 2021
RC Laser TT at Fleetwood © Tony Wilson

Whenever the forecast is for a Northerly, we always think this may be awkward. 8 MPH from the North West corner could be just about doable, but on arrival the wind was a full 180 degrees and coming from the clubhouse.

A course set with a start across the lake and a 'Z' type pattern towards the bridge, back to one of the start buoys and finish further up.

With eight Skippers on the lake Shaun took the lead and hit home the first run. The races were taking about 15 minutes each, so Trevor aimed to squeeze at least four or five before lunch. It started to snow from the word go.

On to race two, Derek offered to sail Smiffy's Laser boat 54 to tweak if necessary as all boats are the same and any flaws would eliminate skipper error. In exchange, Alan (Smiffy) sailed Bob Jolly's boat and thought half way through the race ' This is great and better than mine '. Derek sailed boat 54 through to the finish without touching any settings and won the race.

Shaun was back to winning for the next few races and usually adjusts his boat a little to suit any change in wind strength.

Smiffy led the last race and it looked like he was going to win it, only to fall at the last hurdle. When you're sailing at the top end of a certain sail size, you need to keep the boat moving. It was at the last windward mark that Alan let his boat lose enough speed to go into irons and kindly let the rest of the fleet pass.

The surrounding grass areas looked like they were starting to resemble a christmas card picture and it was starting to stick. The day was cut short as a few had cold hands and the journeys home may have become difficult if the snow would have continued.

We only sailed 5 races.

Some may have even been thinking Our Smiffy would have let his frustration out into having a snowball fight, but not today. His win will come one day.

Results 1 Shaun Holbeche 4pts 2 Tony Wilson 12pts on countback 3 John Armstrong 12 pts

One week later - 5 December 2021 - it was RC Laser Club Meet Winter No 2 The forecast was again, not looking too great. North West, although it had a touch of East in there and was coming from the Pump station.

Only 4 Skippers to brave the Northerly, cold wind direction. A triangular shape course, with a dog leg on the run and finish on a reach. We actually struggled to set a half decent course and just had to make do.

On the first race there was a bit of confusion to which way the windward mark was to be taken, but cleared up any doubt for the following races. Shaun was into his regular winning streaks with little opposition and only to be beaten on race 3.

With the races only taking roughly 10 minutes each, we were able to complete 8 races for an early finish at lunch.

Next racing and the last in the TT series is over at Burwain. Hoping for better weather.

Results 1 Shaun Holbeche 6pts 2 Tony Wilson 11pts 3 Alan Smith 19pts

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