Massive SA sailing festival to be launched on first day of summer
by Harry Fisher 28 Nov 2018 09:07 UTC
1-2 December 2018

SA Summer of Sail Launch Regatta © Harry Fisher
Adelaide waters will show a sea of sails this summer as the successful SA Summer of Sail Festival returns, with a number of iconic sailing events once again descending on South Australia for their national titles or major events.
First taking place in the summer of 2016/17, the SA Summer of Sail will return in December and January and will see hundreds of sailors from around Australia flock to a number of local SA sailing clubs for competition.
However before launching into the festival, this weekend will play host to the festival's launch regatta, aptly timed to be held on the first two days of the summer, December 1 and 2, at Adelaide Sailing Club.
Three iconic off-the-beach classes are hosting their state championships as part of the launch event, and regular Saturday club sailing is also taking place, setting the scene for a massive summer ahead.
The Sharpies, a thriving iconic three-person senior class dinghy, Lasers, the competitive single-handed Olympic class, and Optimists, one of the most respected junior development classes in the world, will make up the championship racing for the weekend, with more than 100 boats expected to hit the water.
Two action-packed days of racing will give spectators and sailors alike much to see and do, as the Adelaide Sailing Club becomes a hive of activity.
This year's SA Summer of Sail Festival, which will be held at a number of local clubs in December and January, will bring together iconic senior classes such as the Sharpies, Contenders, Tasars and Cherubs, among others, as well as the ever-popular Milang-Goolwa Freshwater Classic, South Australia's biggest freshwater event.
A number of iconic local clubs are also hosting events, including the Brighton and Seacliff, Adelaide, Largs Bay and Goolwa Regatta clubs, all of which have tremendous experience in hosting world-class events.