Raritan makes DIY Toilet Repairs Easy
by Martin Flory Group 26 May 2018 04:47 UTC

Raritan makes DIY Toilet Repairs Easy © Martin Flory Group
Many boat owners prefer to maintain and repair onboard systems themselves to save time and money. Raritan Engineering supports these DIYers. All its easy-to-install manual and electric toilets have only a handful of wearable parts—all of which are available 24/7 with fast turnaround times, even internationally.
Some DIYers prefer to replace individual parts while others want the fastest remedy with a complete assembly. Raritan offers everything from a simple O-ring to complete pump assemblies, unlike its competitors that build their toilets to be repaired only with expensive preassembled components or completely replaced.
Raritan supports its toilet models going back to the 1960s, which is a testament to their durability and superior build quality. Parts, manuals and exploded diagrams are available on its website, as is its easy to use e-store. The company strives to keep parts available for at least 10 years from the original date of manufacture.
Even the handiest owner can come across an issue that can't be resolved. Raritan has a reputation for exceptional customer service, especially its technical support. Whether by email or phone, company techs are ready to offer assistance and walk owners through the steps needed to complete the job.
Since 1958, generations have relied on Raritan Engineering's quality products. Renowned for its complete range of marine sanitation equipment, it also manufactures ice makers, water heaters and other accessories.
For more information contact Raritan, Tel:+1-856-825-4900; Fax: +1-856-825-4409. Email: or visit www.raritaneng.com.