NSW Trout Cod Action Plan
by Canberra Anglers Blog 28 Feb 01:40 UTC

NSW Trout Cod Action Plan © Canberra Anglers Blog
NSW Council of Freshwater Anglers has been seeking Minister Moriarty to expedite release of several Fisheries Action Plans.
Whether this is just coincidence who is to say but the Minister has just announced the release of the Trout Cod Action Plan
Of interest, the Minister said "There was a lot of interest from recreational anglers who are supporting the recovery of Trout Cod and I am pleased to say that those hoping to go fishing for Trout Cod can do so at Talbingo Dam where a catch and release fishery has been developed."... I'd hold off on that till we see Regulation changes.
The Action Plan itself is here
As a recognised stakeholder, NSWCFA will need to remain engaged, especially in respect to:
- mid term identification of two new riverine and one impoundment location
- minimise impact of non-native fish
We await release of the other Action Plans.