Newport Bermuda Race Live Seminars: Biggest takeaways and lessons learned from 2024 incidents
by Bermuda Race 12 Feb 16:46 UTC

2024 NBR incident reviews © Bermuda Race
Kicking off our 2026 Race Prep Seminar Series, a panel will reflect on the key incidents from the 2024 Bermuda Race, with insights into what went right, what went wrong, and how lessons learned can improve safety, preparation, and performance for 2026.
Joint BROC, CCA, and US Sailing incident review teams have focused on three key areas: structural, rescues, and communications and the review team leads will share facts found and some insight into possible recommendations for boat owners, organizing authorities, and other relevant stakeholders.
What's to Come in the 2026 Bermuda Race Prep Seminar Series: What to Know Now to Prepare
The Bermuda Race is an ocean racing challenge unlike any other, requiring meticulous planning, preparation, and teamwork. To help competitors set their course for success, we are excited to introduce the 2026 Bermuda Race Prep Seminar Series: What to Know Now to Prepare. This monthly series, streamed on our YouTube Channel running from February to June, will provide critical insights to equip skippers and crews with the knowledge they need to excel in the next edition of the Newport Bermuda Race.
Each seminar will be led by experts in offshore racing, race organization, safety, and navigation, offering actionable advice and practical tips. Whether you're a first-time entrant or a seasoned competitor, these sessions will keep you informed and ahead of schedule as you prepare for the 2026 race.
Monthly Topics and Schedule
February 2025 12th @ 7 pm
2024 NBR Incident Reviews: Big Takeaways and Lessons Learned
Reflect on key incidents from the 2024 Bermuda Race, with insights into what went right, what went wrong, and how lessons learned can improve safety, preparation, and performance for 2026. Joint BROC, CCA, and USSailing incident review teams have focused on three key areas: structural, rescues, and communications and the review team leads will share facts found and some insight into possible recommendations for boat owners, organizing authorities, and other relevant stakeholders.
March 26, 2025 @7pm
Before It's Too Late: What to Consider and Plan for Your Boat Before Bermuda Race 2026
Learn how to tackle the big-ticket boat preparation items early, including compliance with safety requirements, inspection procedures, insurance, sail inventory assessments, and rule changes. Avoid the pitfalls of last-minute rushing by starting now. We will invite experts from insurance, sail making, and our inspection team to answer your questions.
April 2025 (Date TBD)
Before It's Too Late: What to Consider and Plan for Your Crew Before Bermuda Race 2026
Get expert advice on selecting, training, and preparing your crew for the demands of the Bermuda Race. Topics will include safety-at-sea certifications, crew qualifications, and strategies for effective teamwork and safety on the racecourse. Speakers will include Safety at Sea Instructors and our Qualifications team to answer your questions.
May 2025 (Date TBD)
Weather, Gulf Stream, and Managing Data: Get to Know the Options
The Bermuda Race is as much about reading the weather and navigating the Gulf Stream as it is about sailing fast. This session will explore tools, techniques, and technologies to help you make informed decisions in 2026. With so much data out there, what are the strategies top navigators and weather experts are using.
June 2025 (Date TBD)
What's New for Before Bermuda Race 2026? Get to Know the NOR, NBSRs, and Entry System
The 2026 race introduces updates to the Notice of Race (NOR), Newport Bermuda Safety Requirements (NBSRs), and the entry system. Join us to understand what's new, what's required, and how to ensure your entry is seamless.
How to Watch
Each seminar will be hosted live on YouTube where the recordings will then reside; no registration is necessary, but if you would like to get a reminder, please be sure to subscribe to our Bermuda Race Newsletter. Further details and dates will be announced on the Bermuda Race website, social media, and via our mailing list.
Prepare early, sail better, and join us for the 2026 Race Prep Seminar Series.
For questions, email us at