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House of Representatives passes priority Sportfishing Bills

by Rob Shane 27 Jan 23:20 UTC
U.S. House of Representatives © National Marine Manufacturers Association

Yesterday evening, the U.S. House of Representatives passed two bipartisan bills that will deliver positive results for the sportfishing industry and recreational fishing community. The SHARKED Act (HR 207) and the MAPWaters Act (HR 187) cleared the chamber with overwhelming support.

"ASA is pleased to see the House take such decisive action on these solution-oriented bills that will have broad sweeping benefits for America's 57.7 million anglers and the sportfishing industry, which contributes $230 billion to the U.S. economy," said Mike Leonard, Vice President of Government Affairs at the American Sportfishing Association.

The Supporting the Health of Aquatic Systems through Research, Knowledge, and Enhanced Dialogue (SHARKED) Act, introduced by Reps. Rob Wittman (R-VA), Darren Soto (D-FL), Daniel Webster (R-FL), and Marc Veasey (D-TX), directs NOAA to establish a task force to reduce shark depredation, or the consumption of all or part of a hooked fish before the angler can reel in their catch.

Earlier this year, ASA and 14 recreational fishing and conservation organizations sent a letter to Congress supporting the SHARKED Act.

The Modernizing Access to Our Public Waters (MAPWaters) Act, introduced by Reps. Blake Moore (R-UT), Jimmy Panetta (D-CA), Russ Fulcher (R-ID), and Debbie Dingell (D-MI), directs the Forest Service and the Department of the Interior to standardize and consolidate public mapping data relating to recreational use on Federal waters and lands.

Improvements in mapping data will improve the angling experience by making it easier for anglers to identify public access sites and boat ramps and displaying areas with specific regulations, such as tackle restrictions, closed areas and property boundaries. Once consolidated, the data will be available within existing mapping technology for anglers and boaters to view in real time.

"The sportfishing industry appreciates the support of the bill sponsors, as well as House Natural Resources Committee Chairman Bruce Westerman (R-AR) and Ranking Member Jared Huffman (D-CA), for prioritizing these bills early in the 119th Congress," added Leonard. "This is a great start to what we hope will be a productive session for legislation that benefits fisheries conservation, public access and the nation's outdoor recreation economy."

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