Crab pot clean-up in Pumicestone Passage
by Department of Agriculture and Fisheries 19 Oct 23:06 UTC
Crab pot clean-up in Pumicestone Passage © Department of Agriculture and Fisheries
We recently teamed up with Kabi Kabi Traditional Owners and Maritime Safety Queensland to clean up non-compliant and abandoned crab pots in the Pumicestone Passage.
We seized 82 primarily derelict or unmarked pots over 2 days, with one infringement notice issued.
Most of the pots were ghost fishing, containing either live or dead marine species including mud crabs, blue swimmer crabs and bream.
This serves as a timely reminder for fishers that adopting responsible crabbing techniques is essential for maintaining a sustainable fishery. Download our FREE Qld Fishing 2.0 app or head to our website to learn more.