FD Future Participated in the 10th Meisha Cup CYA Youth Sailing League in Shanghai, China
by FD Yachts 22 Aug 2024 15:54 UTC
14-18 August 2024

10th Meisha Cup CYA Youth Sailing League in Shanghai, China © Shanghai MengYang Media
FD Future youth boats participated in the 10th Meisha Cup CYA Youth Sailing League held in Qilang Water Sports Center in Fengxian district, Shanghai, China from the 14th till 18th of August, 2024.
The regatta was kicked off with heavy rain and strong wind, then the wind remained at 8-10 knots throughout the 4 days regatta accompanied by beautiful white cotton clouds and ocean blue sky.
It was a wonderful turnout from the youth sailors across China with over 260 youth sailors from 36 youth clubs and 13 competition groups covering both single and double handed races. FD Future is being selected again as the double handed boat model. 39 rewards were granted to the top 3 youth sailors for all the 13 competition groups.
Double handed sailing is new to many youth sailors here in China, FD Future is the ideal boat for the youth to start with for both day to day training and regattas due to her stability, simplified setup, open transom and made from durable PE materials.
During the regatta, we were fortunate to speak to Mr. Deng from Yunnan Fuxian Lake Yunhu Yacht Club and Mr. Sun from Qilang Water Sports Center in Shanghai as the clients of FD Yachts for selecting FD Future as their youth training & development, club operation and one design youth regatta boat model.
Mr. Deng from Yunnan Fuxian Lake Yunhu Yacht Club commented:" We chose FD Future for our youth development and club operational boats due to her multiple functionality: she can be sailed both single and double handed, with three sails(jib, mainsail and spinner) we can conduct sailing training with just one boat. She is also an ideal family sailing boat with one parent and 1-2 kids to enjoy family quality sailing time together. And of course, the FD Future's accessible boat pricing is putting us in a stronger position from the rising competition for sailing clubs in Yunnan province. We highly recommend FD Future to those clubs which are targeting youth sailing training and development, and wish to do future one design dinghy regatta for the youth as we really enjoyed the performance of the boat as well."
Mr. Sun from Qilang Water Sports Center in Shanghai who is also the host for this regatta commented:" We are very happy with FD Future boats, we are replacing OP with FD Future to conduct all sailing trainings for both youth and adult. She is very stable, very easy to handle and with open transom design, our youth sailors feel more safe climbing back to the boat when capsized. The mainsail can be reefed based on the youth sailors' experience level and the strength of the wind when sail single handed.
As FD Future is made out of PE material, ideally for our beach sailing club. Especially for new youth sailors' training, the strength and durability of the PE material free us from day to day maintenance of the boats and save time and money in club operation. We also enjoyed the high performance of the FD Future boats, this is why we are selected her for youth regattas.
In the future, we are considering to use FD Future for match racing, single and double handed regattas."
Mr. Van den Brink owner from FD Yachts also shared the design concept and the key features of FD Future serial of boats. He commented: "FD Future is a new generation of Dinghy designed by VMG Yacht design from Switzerland for the youth can be sailed both single and double handed with three sails. The durability and strength of PE material is ideal for club operations.
"VMG Yacht design is well known for designing high performance boats, we have also worked with them on our FD75 and FD65 keel boats.
"In addition to FD Future, we also have FD Future X and FD Future 6.8 for more experienced youth and adult sailors. We are looking for distributors in US and Europe to launch this beautiful and modern youth boat in those developed sailing markets. We are inviting mindlike partners to talk to us on organizing the FD Future future world championship."
FD Future: for the future youth sailors.
Introducing the Future of Youth Sailing from FD Yachts with FD Future Serial of Boats: FD Future/FD Future X/FD Future 6.8.
From China, with Dutch Boatbuillding Technologies and Swiss Design.
About FD Yachts
FD Yachts: Passion for Performance
FD Yachts' mission is to build and deliver international high quality youth, club operations, lifestyle and custom built boats from China to the world with Dutch technology & craftsmanship and Swiss design. Currently we have 3.6 meters PE boat FD Future, composite material 6.5 meters and 7.5 meters keel boats FD 65S and FD 75S for immediate orders. For other sizes of boats and custom built, please contact us at .