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It sounds stressful - why be event coordinator for the Cadet class World Championship?

by Magnus Smith 21 Aug 18:00 UTC 9 August 2024
Alan and Helen Krayling in a RIB - ABP Cadet class World Championship in Plymouth © Paul Gibbins Photography

Alan Krailing has been a Cadet sailor, an Ex-Cadet, a Cadet parent, and a UK Cadet measurer on the committee. Was that not enough? He volunteered to organise the 2024 World Championships and UK Nationals at Plymouth. When asked why do it, he replied, "I do ask myself that question!"

Joking aside, over the course of the interview, Alan revealed just why people have a real affinity for the class.

What does an event coordinator have to do?

To begin with, the job starts off solo - finding a venue - and then you kick off meetings; as it gets bigger you expand the team, and start delegating as much as possible.

It sounds stressful, but it is really rewarding, Alan insists. The UK Nationals (held first, in the week before the Worlds) was tough, because it saw him ironing out the issues, but then everything fell in place for the Worlds. Plus there were more staff for Worlds, with more experience, so it felt easier.

To see hundreds of people enjoying an event you've orchestrated is a wonderful thing.

Better wind helps too! There were light wind days at the Nationals, but the wind was more reliable for the Worlds. An organiser can sense the mood of the competitors; after a day of big wind and waves, then competitors are happier. There is great energy in the dinghy park after a day of adrenaline.

What joyful occurrences make it all worthwhile?

Alan particularly recalls day 3, where he got off the water at 7pm. It was late, but he found 400 people still at the club! All the nations were freely sharing their local food/confectionery (and national alcohol for the parents). Alan was stunned at how many people were there, swapping Polish vodka, Tim Tams from Australia (similar to a Penguin bar), keyrings with clogs on (Netherlands), waffles from Belgium, and German sausages - all while the club presented Argentinan-themed catering.

It wasn't really publicised in advance, but everyone stayed and had a party till 1am.

This really highlighted how, yes, it's a competition, but the most important thing is that kids are having fun. The opportunity to develop international friendships is truly wonderful. (This was also spoken about in an interview with two coaches at the event.)

Such friendliness extends to helping your competition too. Alan's interview was delayed because the Germans had mentioned their rig setup was focussed on inland flat water; British sailors offered rake measurements, and advice.

Talking of Germany, two of their Ex-Cadets had volunteered on the race team - one on the committee boat, one on the finish boat - it illustrates how people have a huge appetite to come back.

This attraction was also evident when Alan's original Cadet crew arrived on a Spirit yacht for a delivery trip, and called in to say hi... but went straight to see how their old boat 8521 'Gnat' was looking. People remember their boats for ever.

Two sailors from the fifties, Barry and Jo, both wanted to call in too. Equally the 20-year olds were still hanging around, coaching or waiting for the Ex-Cadets race.

Another lovely moment for Alan was the opening ceremony that saw kids processing with flags, yelling and honking horns. It wasn't polished and elaborate, but it was very authentic, relaxed and cheerful. There was such a lovely atmosphere.

Daily spot prizes were handed out for demonstrating the values of the class. A club captain collected nominations, and a sponsor provided t-shirts and sweets. Examples were: kids picking up litter out of the sea, helping others with rig setup, warning a competitor going to the wrong mark, or just informing someone they had weed on the rudder. It's nothing outstanding, but it is nice to acknowledge. It's coming from the kids themselves.

What can be said about the class as a whole?

The connection people have to the class is what makes it special. It is as if the boat has a soul - it's more than a bit of plastic or wood. Kids love and cherish their boats, Alan explains.

Perhaps it is the nurturing experience. Helm and crew friendships are very special, because of all those hours together. When it works it's amazing, though of course it can't always work.

So many other sports are streamed so someone is with kids the same age. Sailing (and Cadets in particular) break those age boundaries. It's lovely how the older ones don't scorn the younger ones. The youngest then look up to the eldest.

People stay on: parents still volunteer after their own kids leave, young adults are coaches, and older sailors are desperate to do the Ex-Cadets Race.

More than just sailing, growing up in the class family gives life skills. Other classes do have it, but the Cadet has it in spades.

Does the Scorpion class provide a substitute?

Alan won the Scorpion National Championships in 2023, and has also sailed Larks and RS200s. Has he identified an equivalent of the Cadet class, for grown-ups?

The Scorpion is great fun to sail, and it is a nice group of people, who are always helpful, Alan declares. The racing is serious but people want to enjoy their holiday as well. It is a competitive fleet with high standards; there are lots of World Champions from other classes.

The good ethos continues with the Scorpion Foundation, which supports juniors getting into the fleet.

You can engage with the class in different ways. Some people's focus is the boat (they want it to look beautiful) yet others want the ease of a plastic hull. Some older people love the class but cannot sail, so enjoy bimbling older models. Plus, 30 year old boats can still win races - a little like the Cadet fleet.

In a terrible clash, the 2024 Scorpion Nationals were scheduled for the same week as the Cadet Worlds, so Alan had to choose between defending his title, or supporting the event he was principal organiser of! He went through moments of thinking maybe he could do both! It definitely wouldn't have been the case.

His kids were at the Cadet event, and he knew he wanted to be there too. A tough call, but some things are more important.

Alan has had to reconcile himself to beating Tom Gillard and Rachael Gray last year, but watching from a distance as they win the trophy this year.

Being a national champion is not always as important as being at the National Championships...

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