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Wayfarer Inlands at Datchet Water Preview - part of the Craftinsure National Circuit

by Sam Pygall 2 Apr 10:17 UTC 13-14 April 2024
Wayfarer Inland Championships at Blithfield © BSC

The UK Wayfarer Craftinsure National Circuit, sponsored by Craftinsure, Hartley Boats, McNamara Sails and Allen Brothers begins in earnest over the weekend of the 13-14th April 2024 with the holding of the Wayfarer Inlands held at Datchet Water Sailing Club (DWSC).

This first event is not to be missed, promising six races over the course of the weekend to crown the Inland Champion for 2024. The current trophy holder is Eden Hyland who triumphed last year in the event at Blithfield Sailing Club and there will be many teams with their eye on the prize and lay down an early marker for the Wayfarer racing season.

The Notice of Race and Sailing Instructions for the event can be found at Datchet Water Sailing Club. For the six championship races, the entry fee will be £40 for visitors and £20 for DWSC members. The briefing will be held at 1030 on the Saturday with the first warning signal not before 1127.

The event last year was hotly contested between the two forms teams of the circuit, John Clementson and Mel Titmus and Andrew and Tom Wilson and this promises to be an excellent early season form guide as to who has speed in the fleet this year. Fingers crossed for a great weekend of Wayfarer racing at a premier sailing venue!

Other dates for the first part of the Wayfarer racing diary include:

  • Open Meeting, West Oxfordshire - 20-21st April
  • Battle of the Hikers - 11-12th May
  • Pre-Nationals, Shoreham Sailing Club - 18-19th May
  • Westerns, Banbury Sailing Club - 1st and 2nd June
All the Wayfarer sailing events (national circuit, opens and general handicap events) are all listed in the Yachts and Yachting racing calendar. Just click on the Wayfarer insignia to find out more! Hope to see you there!

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