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Palm Beach Motor Yachts

Discover the Iguana Fisher's improvement in pictures

by Iguana Yachts 30 Dec 2023 05:10 UTC

Step by step, the Fisher Iguana is taking shape. We therefore keep you informed of the latest progress of the boat.

This amphibious boat will be perfectly adapted to the coast of New Zealand to fulfill its main mission: to allow customers wanting to fish and discover new places and sensations.

It's always a pleasure and a challenge to work on building a model for the first time, it's exciting. - Fabrice Chirain, before-decking leader

The installation of the kitchenette is underway on the boat. You will therefore find a sink to clean your fishing tackle and your hands. There is also a fish tank to rinse them cleanly with fresh water. The kitchenette also includes a fridge and three storage drawers, to accommodate your catches. Everything is designed to be practical and comfortable. Spend quality time aboard your Iguana while practicing your favorite activity. We have thought of everything to optimize your experience aboard our amphibious boats.

The next steps for building this amphibious boat will be the installation of everything that needs to be above the hull with the after-decking. We will have the chance to observe later some inept installations at the Iguana Fisher which we can’t wait to show you. After this entire installation phase there will of course be a sea trial in order to carry out tests to finally be able to deliver the boat.

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