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Savvy Navvy 2024

ASA's Mike Leonard speaks out on speed restrictions

by American Sportfishing Association 17 Dec 2023 02:47 UTC
ASA Vice President of Government Affairs Mike Leonard © American Sportfishing Association

Last week, ASA Vice President of Government Affairs Mike Leonard gave a presentation to dozens of state legislators from across the country at the National Assembly of Sportsmen's Caucuses (NASC) Summit, on the negative impacts of NOAA's North Atlantic right whale vessel speed rule.

NOAA's proposed changes will not meaningfully improve protections for the North Atlantic right whale, put boater safety at risk, raise privacy concerns, severely limit boater access to the Atlantic Ocean, and will significantly harm coastal economies and livelihoods. ASA thanks the Congressional Sportsmen's Foundation for the opportunity to participate in the NASC Summit.

Learn more here.

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