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Maritimo 2023 S-Series LEADERBOARD

ILCA 7 World Championship at Barcelona, Spain - Overall

by ILCA 7 Worlds / Jon Emmett 11 Nov 2021 11:54 UTC 3-10 November 2021
Tom Saunders celebrates with coach Mike Bullot - Laser/ILCA7 World Championship - Barcelona - November 2021 © Yachting NZ

Large waves and strong winds meant it was not possible to leave the harbour on the final day of the Championships meaning the results from day 5 stand. Congratulations to the New World Champion New Zealand's Thomas Saunders, Ireland's Finn Lynch in silver, and bronze was Croatia's two-time Olympic medallist Tonci Stipanovic. A tough competition with 135 sailors from 49 countries.

The awards ceremony was presented by the president of the Catalan Sailing Federation, Xavier Torres, the president of the Real Club Marítimo de Barcelona, Miquel Delclòs, and ILCA representative, Andrus Poski.

The championship was held at the Barcelona International Sailing Center (BISC) facilities. The regatta was organized by the Catalan Sailing Federation, the Real Club Náutico de Barcelona, and the Real Club Marítimo de Barcelona, with the collaboration of World Sailing, ILCA, the Royal Spanish Sailing Federation, the Government of Catalunya, the Barcelona City Council, and the Barcelona Provincial Council.

After concluding this championship, BISC is preparing to host the ILCA Masters World Championships November 13-20, which will bring together 300 sailors from 29 countries around the world. More to come!

Event website:

Overall Results:

PosSail NoHelm1Q2Q3Q4Q5Q1F2F3FPts
1NZL 218910Thomas SAUNDERS3472‑3714223
2IRL 216890Finn LYNCH36810‑1672137
3CRO 219107Tonci STIPANOVIC1136211824‑3565
4RYF 213011Sergei KOMISSAROV713332381‑4667
5AUS 199088Zac LITTLEWOOD174115252‑381175
6GER 191131Philipp BUHL‑367516171651278
7NOR 217124Hermann TOMASGAARD105911‑232216679
8GBR 216385Daniel WHITELEY51033208‑663483
9ITA 188953Giovanni COCCOLUTO GIORGETTI2014114111019‑2389
10AUS 215612Luke ELLIOTT11117‑3024523990
11HUN 213119Jonatan VADNAI12312‑191318171792
12CYP 212431Pavlos KONTIDES1911451‑47154297
13GBR 210139Michael BECKETT42203DSQ3513RDG101
14BEL 217927William DE SMET813431349‑593102
15GBR 217866Sam WHALEY5322123‑483910103
16ESP 211710Joel RODRIGUEZ PEREZ21835113414‑57105
17GBR 215613Elliot HANSON2148452426RET110
18NZL 214347George GAUTREY23815246327‑64115
19NED 206717Duko BOS98342818318‑37118
20FRA 203855Alexandre BOITE12142192425‑3619124
21CRO 216063Filip JURISIC171029‑37292822126
22NED 218399Niels BROEKHUIZEN8159267‑403724126
23TUR 191719Berkay ABAYBFD16212921547130
24AUS 214418Finn ALEXANDER11613‑3812303530137
25IND 217719Vishnu SARAVANAN1510‑462615113329139
26ITA 217817Nicolo VILLA179371233330‑40141
27IRL 216101Ewan MCMAHON10121323363612‑47142
28RYF 211929Maxim NIKOLAEV23210104420‑4834143
29PER 217115Stefano PESCHIERA141654204341‑58143
30CHI 211771Clemente SEGUEL LACAMARA42111218UFD62925143
31HUN 213095Benjamin VADNAI‑441930228271128145
32POR 202211Eduardo MARQUES6282121‑45342215147
33SGP 218246Ryan LO45184092844‑63148
34FIN 217648Valtteri UUSITALO2096172864DNC16160
35SLO 214148Zan Luka ZELKO16221142193127‑45168
36ESP 211436Leopoldo BARRETO HASCHKE21292437512‑6241169
37ESP 211309Joaquin BLANCO ALABAT2515161184652‑56173
38RYF 212777Daniil KRUTSKIKHBFD3115241242943176
39ITA 218350Gianmarco PLANCHESTAINER‑602943920193226178
40FIN 219212Nooa LAUKKANEN34357BFD14491031180
41TUR 213512Yigit Yalçin ÇITAK62426197‑673465181
42BEL 212575Wannes VAN LAER151946454‑58495183
43ISR 214931Maor BEN HAROSH14‑52271348232533183
44ITA 217611Alessio SPADONI1622114146446‑66186
45ITA 218187Giacomo MUSONE1833243932‑602120187
46CAN 178611Fillah KARIM302537830‑563127188
47IRL 216892Tom HIGGINS13414862741‑5614190
48CRO 217717Bruno GASPIC321830543314‑6513194
49SWE 217217Emil BENGTSON7173649UFD132054196
50NED 211192Willem WIERSEMABFD2129214217861199
51SWE 214194Ludvig LINDQVIST191741365‑634636200
52JPN 216228Kazumasa SEGAWA262517142654‑5750212
53SUI 211685Nicolas ROLAZ243328402839‑4721213
54ARG 213387Francisco GUARAGNA RIGONAT212316OCS21524544222
55POR 219115Santiago SAMPAIOBFD2725111624255223
56GER 215518Nik Aaron WILLIM27BFD18549454039223
57NED 216761Erik VOETS132740344755‑638224
58THA 211027Chusitt PUNJAMALA29BFD232538265332226
59HKG 171979Nicholas BEZY282447‑6122155149236
60FRA 219102Alexandre KOWALSKI22ARB322522‑505038237
61GER 214169Linus KLASEN‑544528714514351239
62ESP 209162Pep CAZADOR RIBERA2636473519‑656018241
63ISR 202121Omer GOLANI3720385793758‑60256
64FIN 217986Aleksi TAPPERBFD23272017576452260
65ISR 211229Itay AZULAY BINIAMIN94050233953DNC48262
66FIN 211267Otto DAHLBERG355625629‑685562268
67ITA 217932Dimitri PERONI352119BFD25616159281
68ESP 217170Ricard CASTELLVÍ33372215UFD596653285
69SUI 217831Gauthier VERHULST31BFD31273392133
70CAN 218332Luke RUITENBERG51BFDSCP1715314140
71CAN 209616Forrest WACHHOLZ3039‑60524127153
72PER 204570Renzo SANGUINETI4540‑53748510155
73JPN 204996Yoshihiro SUZUKI382031‑6346206161
74GER 218429Philip WALKENBACH36BFD234834138162
75THA 213137Arthit ROMANYKBFD35394DSQ213171
76GER 215212Leonard STOCK5338‑5827321111172
77GBR 218899Krishan BHOGAL4631‑482926411174
78GBR 217303Jacob FARREN‑PRICE24302642‑513618176
79POR 212255Lourenço MATEUS33424416‑632619180
80NOR 207826Christoffer SORLIE3751‑6113313516183
81AUS 211556Ethan MCAULLAYBFD341932543213184
82IRL 216116Jamie MCMAHON503022‑5436427187
83NOR 218563Uffe TOMASGAARD‑57123947302238188
84GBR 216373James PERCIVAL‑COOKE43BFD353439345190
85LCA 214113Luc CHEVRIER42‑643355103812190
86ECU 188778Matias DYCK‑43263835402825192
87CAN 217718James JUHASZBFD38843352BFD194
88ESP 213867Mon CAÑELLAS323957‑5922737194
89ITA 218461Pietro GIACOMONI25BFD5538103036194
90NED 211003Thomas VAN OFWEGWN34263249‑604015196
91CZE 218203Jakub HALOUZKA51465118‑591817201
92DEN 210984Johan SCHUBERT3937‑59575769205
93ESP 218277Mario PLOMER QUIROGA‑52364148421028205
94ESP 212170Max URQUIZU MARCOS41475430‑61729208
95NOR 214016Olai HAGLAND52‑531437403730210
96FRA 213940Theo PEYRE224249BFD53441211
97NED 217565Paul HAMEETEMAN38BFD535821833211
98CAN 215019Liam BRUCEBFD344533352344214
99DEN 217911Andreas KRABBE‑CHRISTENSEN‑59525139161542215
100CAN 211412Ben FLOWER4953343227‑5721216
101MNE 217936Illija MARKOVIC‑5343294465245219
102FRA 207621Malo WESSELY5641405331BFD4225
103POL 215951Piotr MALINOWSKI494842‑53441923225
104ITA 213176Matteo GUARDIGLI47‑575236561226229
105BER 184646Campbell PATTON394344‑50474320236
106IND 212161Mohit SAINI184949314149‑50237
107GER 213538Lennart KUSS29‑625746235032237
108ARU 206718Just VAN AANHOLT504442‑60592424243
109MON 217788Jeremy MOUTOUT27‑595422583947247
110ESP 217999Gonzalo SUAREZ PEREZ54455252‑571434251
111ESP 214433Guillermo FLORES MARTÍN‑57485028521757252
112NED 202322Marnix BOS4444453349BFD43258
113NOR 213131Theodor MIDDELTHON‑65503558523135261
114CAN 216284Norman STRUTHERS40326050‑646022264
115SRB 218536Nikola BANJAC4061‑6256431658274
116CRO 218915Alec CVINAR485036‑56553352274
117NOR 218401August HANEVIK2854‑6647514749276
118ITA 217959Ciro BASILEBFD556441542939282
119TUR 215394Umut Efe ALPKOÇAK614655BFD504431287
120SLO 217407Liam OREL625156445525BFD293
121SWE 219211Wilhelm KARK3149434360DNSDNS294
122ITA 208646Luca VALENTINO485456454348‑59294
123DEN 218174Nikolai BORCH415858‑62585340308
124ESP 212176Francesc MARTINEZ GÖRBIG4757‑5951534555308
125NED 218732Teun BINKHORST4647‑6660565951319
126NOR 214961Anders LINDEMARK58BFD6246634654329
127CZE 216801Benjamin PRIKRYL55556459‑665646335
128GER 216949Florian HAFNER635663‑64505153336
129TUR 216078Doruk DEMIRCAN56‑636162416261343
130DEN 216353Jakob LEJBOLLE59‑666561655448352
131AUT 216824Clemens KUEBBER456065‑66626160353
132ITA 213447Simone BABINI5865‑6755615856353
133USA 183836Julian SOTO665867DNC386362354
134JPN 217058Shusuke TAKEUCHI55‑676363625564 362
135ARG 213390Marcelo FREZZA64DNFDNC65646463389

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