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Tell your representative from your state: Pass the shark fin sales elimination act

by Sailors for the Sea 17 Jul 2021 14:34 UTC
Pass the shark fin sales elimination act © Sailors for the Sea

We must act now to ban the buying and selling of shark fins in the United States.

The demand for shark fins is one of the greatest threats facing shark populations around the world. Every year, fins from as many as 73 million sharks end up in the global fin trade. This devastating trade has driven some shark populations into catastrophic decline.

The Senate recently passed the Shark Fin Sales Elimination Act, and now it's the House's turn. With more than 150 bipartisan cosponsors, we need to make sure it passes and is signed into law one and for all - for sharks and our oceans.

Sharks need YOUR VOICE. A nationwide ban of the sale of shark fins is the best way we can make a positive impact. It's time to speak up and tell your Representative in Congress to vote for a Fin Ban Now.

Tell your elected member of the House of Representatives: Ban the trade and sale of shark fins in the United States

While shark finning is illegal in U.S. waters, we still help incentivize this horrible practice internationally by buying, selling and trading shark fins. Removing the United States from this devastating trade would send a message to the rest of the world: The United States will not stand by while many shark populations continue to decline, largely due to the demand for their fins.

You're not alone in wanting this bill to pass: 8 out of 10 Americans support a national shark fin ban and it's growing globally! It's clear why.

A nationwide ban will:

  • Improve upon current enforcement capabilities
  • Reinforce the U.S.'s status as a leader in shark conservation
  • Bring the world closer to ending the devastating trade of shark fins

We've never been closer to achieving our goal for sharks. Together, we can make this progress a reality.

Your member of Congress answers to you! Tell your Representative to ban the trade of shark fins in the U.S. now.

For the oceans,
Whitney Webber
Campaign Director

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