Brotherhood Outdoors takes St. Louis Union Pipefitter on an Alaska Salmon Quest
by Union Sportsmen's Alliance 13 Jul 2021 15:18 UTC

The abundance of fish or his lucky hat keep fourth generation union pipefitter Kevin McDonough busy on his quest for Alaska salmon © Union Sportsmen's Alliance
Fourth generation union pipefitter Kevin McDonough of St. Louis, Missouri, is on a quest for a salmon slam in the wilds of Alaska when the Union Sportsmen's Alliance's Brotherhood Outdoors airs on the Sportsman Channel this week.
McDonough, a member of UA Plumbers & Pipefitters Local 562, embarked on a fly-in trip to spend three memorable days in Alaska's backcountry drifting for chum, pink, silver and king salmon.
"At home, I mainly fish for bass and some catfish," he says. "These salmon...they're incredible. Just when you think you're getting them tired, they get that second wind, and it's on again."
Though steady rains turned the rivers muddy and cut visibility to nearly zero, the sheer abundance of fish—and perhaps McDonough's lucky hat—maintained the bite at a non-stop pace, keeping the veteran pipefitter almost as busy as he is on the job.
Besides working a full week making service calls in his home state, McDonough spends three nights a week working with apprentice pipefitters at the local's new state-of-the art training facility. USA Conservation Programs Manager Sam Phipps caught up with McDonough at the facility to give Brotherhood Outdoors' viewers the chance to see how veteran union members pass along their knowledge and skills to the younger generation.
You can catch all the salmon fishing action as McDonough plies remote Alaska rivers when Brotherhood Outdoors airs on the Sportsman Channel Tuesday, July 13 at 4 p.m. Eastern with re-airings on Friday at 11:30 a.m., Saturday at 1:30 a.m. and Sunday, July 18 at 11 a.m.
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