94' Enclosed Bridge S/F - III Amigos
by Michael Rybovich and Sons 8 Apr 2021 14:44 UTC

94' Sportfisherman | Three Amigos © Michael Rybovich and Sons
Progressing through the details and taking her for rides is the theme of the month for our new 94' Enclosed Bridge S/F, III Amigos.
The end of a project is always when it comes together faster than you ever imagined it could. The crew is cranking away on all of the finishing touches and we're happy commissioning systems and taking her for rides. One thing that is always fun is checking performance...and we were certainly happy how she turned up. We're pleased to report that our first runs revealed a WOT speed just shy of 41 knots and a cruise speed of 32 knots. In her enclosed bridge she felt like she was at idle when we were travelling across the water at 47 mph....a wonderful feeling on our largest build-to-date.
Keep an eye out for more details - Facebook | Instagram.
Full Build Album available here.