11 yachts already signed up for 2022 Vic-Maui International Yacht Race
by Vic-Maui International Yacht Race 3 Apr 2021 06:31 UTC
July 2-8, 2022
Vic-Maui International Yacht Race © Vic-Maui International Yacht Race
March 31st marked the super-early entry deadline for the Vic-Maui International Yacht Race, well-subscribed with 11 yachts entered already.
The boats range from Gord Wylie's Xp 44, Phoenix, and Jason Saunderson's very fast Seahorse S-40 MOD, Ultraman III in the racing division through a wide variety of fine offshore cruising boats registered for the Lahaina Class, many of whom will be racing their first Vic-Maui.
The boats hail from as far away as Calgary, Alberta and Portland, Oregon. Event Chair Jim Innes is a 4-time veteran of the Vic-Maui race and his Beneteau 49, Red Sheilla, following the pioneering course sailed by his father JG (Jim) Innes in 1965, a founder of the race.
Between now and July 2022, each boat will participate in Vic-Maui Qualifying Races - a mandatory requirement. Some may take themselves offshore of Vancouver Island in the next several months, recording their venture in the ship's log and testing that boat and crew are up to the offshore race challenge.
The Vic-Maui International Yacht Race is for the truly adventurous who are up to the challenge and ready for teamwork under a variety of conditions. And at the end, on July 23, 2022 in Lahaina, there will be a banquet, with trophies presented and stories shared over many Mai Tais.
The next registration deadline is October 31, 2021 - entries paid up by that date receive a 25% reduction of their entry cost. Final entry date is February 28, 2022.
For more information visit www.vicmaui.org.