Force 4 Summer Series at Royal Plymouth Corinthian Yacht Club
by Andrew Sinclair 20 Apr 2018 10:36 UTC
19 April 2018
Force 4 Summer Series at Royal Plymouth Corinthian YC © Andrew Sinclair
Thursday brought wall to wall sunshine and that enticed the boats out to enjoy the racing. A sub 5 knot Westerly kicked things off with a slow start for the Squibs but this wasn't to set the tone as race officer John Ingram knew the forecast had a few tricks up it's sleeve!
As the leaders stared the second lap after a slow first round the wind took a right turn to come out of the North East. This was joy for some and penance for others as it shortened the beat and lengengthed the reaches.
Chris Hampe in his International Canoe was smiling as his long and slender machine fles away to give him line honours. In the Squibs, White Magic did his usual speedy trick to keep his lead,while in the Enterprise it was the night for Peter and first time crew Linus Ganderton who showed what a youthful crew can do. The slow handicap battle royale was won by Steve Oliver by just a sliver.
A fun evening sailing with tight racing at points has laid the foundations a for a good summer of competition and fun.
Results are at: