Commonwealth Games boating restrictions
by Boating Industry Association 24 Mar 2018 05:56 UTC
4-15 April 2018

Commonwealth Games boating restrictions © Boating Industry Association
The biggest sporting event hosted in Queensland for many a year will take place next month when athletes from 70 nations and territories converge on the Gold Coast for the 2018 Commonwealth Games.
While the economic benefits for the Gold Coast and the State arising from the Games are well documented, the sheer number of visitors expected to attend them, and the associated modern-day security demands, cannot be accommodated without some disruption to the normal routines of residents and sometimes businesses at the Gold Coast in particular.
Maritime Safety Queensland has advised that boat operators will not be completely exempt from this. While there are no sailing or rowing events on the Commonwealth Games schedule, there will nevertheless be a number of changes to waterways that may temporarily affect boat operators' freedom to navigate through certain waterways and to access certain boating infrastructure.
Road closures will affect access to some popular waterside locations and infrastructure. For instance, at the time of publication, Games events of one kind or another will require road closures that will impact on the usage of boat ramps, jetties and pontoons in waterways in the Currumbin, Southport, Elanora and Labrador areas. With a few notable exceptions, these restrictions will not be in place for the duration of the Games.
Most will apply only to certain days, depending on when the relevant sporting competitions take place. The best way for boaties to familiarise themselves with the restrictions and keep up to date with scheduling and plan their activities accordingly. A little time spent planning there can avoid any unnecessary inconvenience for local boaties whose leisure time happens to coincide with the hosting of the Games.