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Team GBR trains for Cadet World Championship in Argentina

by Neil Collingridge 20 Jul 2016 08:11 UTC 16-17 July 2016
Team GBR train for the Cadet Worlds in Argentina © Neil Collingridge

The 10 boats selected to represent GBR at the Cadet World Championships are training hard with a real determination to return the trophy to its original home country on its 50th anniversary.

The team gathered at Harwich Town Sailing Club on 16/17July for training under the experienced eyes of Tom Mallendine and Corky Rhodes and worked hard all weekend in stunning conditions - shifty gusty winds and shallow but tidal estuary conditions to recreate what they might expect in Buenos Aires on the Rio del Plata in December.

The team comprises sailors aged between 9 and 16 which is part of the unique attraction of the class which has been the nursery of champions over the ages. The older competitors have to encourage and manage their younger crews learning both great sailing and life skills and gaining the opportunity to literally travel the world.

Planning is well under way to ship the boats to Argentina for Christmas with numerous fundraising events being tackled by the youngsters themselves - cake sales, car washes, auctions of promises are all being planned across the summer but the team is also looking for corporate sponsorship to help with shipping costs and hiring a coach (email if you can help in any way!).

A huge thank-you goes to Harwich Town SC who hosted us for an extremely modest donation to their club funds, made the coffee, opened the bar, helped launch the ribs with the smallest tractor not available at toys-r-us and generally made us feel very welcome. What a wonderful advert for grass roots sailing clubs and their members."

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