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Maritimo 2023 S600 LEADERBOARD

Tipsy Icicle Series at Leigh & Lowton Sailing Club - Week 8

by Paul Heath 24 Feb 2016 20:09 UTC 21 February 2016

With numerous forecasts for Sunday predicting 30-40 knot winds across the country it was little wonder that some competitors decided to make alternate plans for Sunday. Undeterred by all of this 37 boats braved the elements and took to the water in a WSW 15 knot breeze that at times gusted up to 24 knots.

Largest fleet of the day was the 12 boat Laser fleet and soon after their start the top three boats in the series were at the front and there was not a lot of distance between them throughout the race. Garry Knott (Ogston SC) took an early lead but capsized allowing series leader Jack Hopkins (Delph SC) through and he sailed off to take the win. Knott recovered to score a second from Charlotte Greenhalgh (LLSC) in third and Howard Green (LLSC) fourth.

Only 13 boats in the handicap fleet this week which included 7 Solos. The Albacore of Mike Banner/Mark Platt (LLSC) had plenty of pace as he soared off into a large lead and cross the line first but had to settle for second overall as the Supernova of series leader Andy Flitcroft (Bolton SC) managed to take the win on handicap. Behind them the Enterprise of Alan Johnson/Kaye Tickle (LLSC) put in a solid performance to take third with the GP14 of Tom Wallwork/Sam Platt (Bolton SC) in fourth.

Paul Heath (LLSC) took an early lead in the Solo fleet but a capsize gave Tony Sampson (SCYC) the lead. In the end Heath managed to slip past Sampson and take the win while Sampson was pushed hard by Steve Ferrington (WKSC) who was on a late charge. There was a close tacking dual up the short beat to the finish but Sampson retained second place by half a boat length. Fourth went to Brian Sprague (LLSC).

The 9 boat Asymmetric fleet were next away and were let loose with a windward/leeward course. With the series leader missing this gave those just behind them a great chance to close the gap and Richard Catchpole/Mark Atherton (LLSC – RS400) took the opportunity with both hands as they sailed away to take the win. Second went to the RS100 10.2 of Greg Booth (PDSC) third to the RS400 of Hamish Gledhill/Simon Dowse (WRYC) and fourth to the RS200 of Louise McKeand/Cathy Partington (LLSC).

Two Toppers and a Laser 4.7 made up this weeks junior fleet but they all seemed to be sailing around quite close together. Adam Din (HLSC) had to settle for third as the Toppers took the first two places with Brandon Banner (LLSC) just squeezing out Marcus Howard (Redesmere SC).

After lunch a reduced fleet took to the water as the gusts were seen streaking across the water with it topping out at times at 28 knots.

In the Lasers Hopkins took another win. Knott had a few capsizes but hung onto second, Greenhalgh third and Green once again fourth.

The handicap fleet had a new winner as the GP14 of Wallwork/Platt sailed well to take the bullet. The Albacore of Banner/Platt scored another second while it was a case of one capsize too many for Flitcroft and he had to settle for third. Rounding of the top four was Michael Platt (Bolton SC) in his Supernova.

Heath took another win in the Solos. Sprague improved to claim second place from Sampson in third and Ferrington fourth.

The top four places in the Asymmetric fleet were taken by RS400s. Bill Kenyon/Joe Hartigan (Budworth SC) led early on but Catchpole/Atherton were on a role and passed them to take another win and with it the overall lead in the series. Dave/Caroline Exley (LLSC) finished second, Gledhill/Dowse third and Kenyon/Hartigan fourth.

The same three starters in the junior fleet but only two finishers as Din retired. Once again it was close at the finish as Banner took another win with Howard just two boat lengths behind him.

With three weekends and a possible 6 races to go before the end of the series there is still plenty to play for and prizes to be won in all fleets.

Full results can be found here.

77 photos of the days racing, taken by Paul Hargreaves, can be found here.

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