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Crewsaver Tipsy Icicle Series 2014 at Leigh & Lowton Sailing Club - Day 4

by Paul Allen 27 Jan 2014 17:58 UTC 26 January 2014

The most popular dinghy winter series in the UK, the Crewsaver sponsored Tipsy Icicle series at Leigh & Lowton Sailing Club continued on the 26th January with 61 boats turning out for what was scheduled to be races 7 & 8 in the series.

This Sunday there were warnings of strong wind and heavy rain and when the competitors arrived there was a gusty 15 knot breeze from the south east and plenty of rain. The boats went afloat and first fleet away was the 17 strong Laser fleet, who managed to get away first time. After a short while, while the handicap and asymmetric fleets suffered general recalls and before they could be restarted, the wind veered 40 degrees so a decision was made to abandon further starts and the race.

After the committee boat had shifted, and a new course set, the Lasers were again first away and it was a bit busy at the windward mark as the wind veered slightly and the strength dropped. In the melee it was second in the series Neil Skellam (LLSC) who hit the windward mark, did his penalty and then sailed fast and low to get himself back to the front of the fleet. Skellam pulled out a large lead but it was a case of finding the gusts and he was reeled in and passed by Greg Marshall (WLYC) just before the finish. Third home was the series leader jack Hopkins (Delph SC) and fourth Graham McWhirter (UKLA) Overall Hopkins still leads the fleet with a 4 point cushion over Skellam in second. McWhirter is third but there is little to separate him and the three boats just behind him.

Second away, and behaving themselves this time, was the 19 boat handicap fleet which included 8 Solos (the results of which are taken separately from the handicap finish) The main fleet had one new entry and it was that boat, Jez Entwistle (Phantom – LLSC) which was first around the windward mark but later retired. Peter Mackin (RS300 – Bolton) showed good speed as he went on to win the race on corrected time from his 300 and overall rival Richard Catchpole. Gareth Williams (Europe – LLSC) came home in third with Alex Collins (Supernova – Bolton SC) sailing well into fourth. Overall in the handicap fleet the top three are close with series leader Andy Flitcroft still at the top on joint points with Catchpole. Mackin did his cause the world of good as he lies in third just one point behind the top two.

In the Solo fleet, which had 2 new entries, it was new comer Andy Tunnicliffe (Royal Windermere YC) who took a convincing win from the other newcomer Steve Denison (Hollingworth Lake SC) Ian Hopwood (Nantwich & Borders SC) made a comeback from being almost last around the windward mark to finish third with Steve Ferrington (West Kirby SC) fourth.

Next away were the 14 boat Asymmetric fleet with 2 new entries who again, due to the wind direction, had to sail 'around the cans' (The fleet was nearly down one boat before the start because Grebbo and Budd forgot where their boat was and spent an hour looking for it before realising it was where they left in over a year ago with all covers on looking just like a Solo because it was parked in the Solo berths) First around, and popping their kite first, was the RS400 of Chris Pickles/Matt Sharman (Delph SC) followed by several other 400's. The wind shift made for a long downwind leg with plenty of opportunities to catch and pass boats. In the end it was Dave Exley/Nigel Hall (RS400 – LLSC) who pulled themselves through the fleet to take the win on corrected time. Pickles/Sharman had to settle for second while Joshua/Patrick Metcalfe (RS400 – LLSC) sailed through from mid fleet to take third and Caroline Exley/Jude Allen (RS400 – LLSC) finish fourth.

Last away was the 11 boat junior fleet which this week was made up 11 Toppers. The racing continued as it finished last week with close racing amongst the fleet and, after a two week absence, it was the returning boats of Steph Wingeatt (LLSC) and Tom Wallwork (Redesmere SC) who took the top two positions. Oliver Blackburn (LLSC) finished third and Matt Leckie (LLSC) fourth.

During lunch the wind shifted 90 degrees and increased in strength. The committee boat went out to try and set a course in what looked to be ideal conditions as the wind was blowing from the west which would have allowed the full length of the Flash for a long beat. The crew of the boat were then meet by an average 25 knots of breeze with persistent gusts of up to 40 knots and big waves which resulted in the boat dragging anchor and heading for the nature reserve. Several boats went afloat and tried to get to the start area but all ended up in the water.

To ensure the safety of all competitors the decision was made to keep the rest of the fleet ashore in the hope that the wind would abate but it did not and it was decided to abandon racing for the day. Although the wind did lessen in strength a short while after the abandonment it soon returned with gusts of 30 knots so this justified the decision to abandon although three Solos and an RS400 did decided to have a 'blast' in the fresh to frightening conditions and this can be seen on the video below (race 7 is shown first and the Solo footage commences at 14 mins 46 secs).

So far in the Crewsaver Tipsy Icicle series we have had 143 boats on the water and crossing the start line. It is the largest dinghy winter series in the country and runs until the 16th March so there is still time to qualify. First race starts at midday and full details on how to enter are on the club website and can be done either via webcollect or on the day at the reception desk.

Come and join us this coming Sunday for races 9 & 10 in the Crewsaver Tipsy Icicle Series. We look forward to seeing you.

Full results can be found at

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