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Maritimo 2023 S-Series LEADERBOARD

Flying Fifteen Open at Broxbourne Sailing Club

by Bob Tait 1 Oct 2013 21:13 UTC 28-29 September 2013
Flying Fifteens at Broxbourne © Stuart Hutchinson

A good easterly breeze in sunshine provided excellent conditions for the fourteen boats competing in the 2013 Broxbourne Open. Although mainly Classics, there were some Silver and Gold boats in the fleet and results were calculated according to their PY numbers.

Three races were held on Saturday on a mainly windward - leeward course. Pip Hudson/Peter Nash 2845 and Toby and Tom Cooper 3705 dominated these races but the latter had to overcome a considerable PY handicap to achieve a top result and ended third on the day's racing.

On Sunday, the first race was again a largely windward - leeward course with a tricky, long run down the diagonal of the lake, followed by a second race which included some close reaching in the course. Again, Toby and Tom Cooper were generally up front but Neil Bartholomy and Emma Brown in 2700 from Middle Nene were close enough to win both races, one by a few seconds on handicap.

Apart from good racing, a sociable time was had by all, particularly on the Saturday evening when a good supper was provided in the clubhouse. At the prize-giving, spot prizes were given for achievements such as attending first open meeting.

Overall Results: (top four)

1st 2685, Pip Hudson/Peter Nash (Broxbourne)
2nd 3705, Toby Cooper/Tom Cooper (Broxbourne)
3rd 2606, Bob Tait/Mick Musgrave (Broxbourne)
4th 2700, Neil Bartholomy/ Emma Brown (Middle Nene)

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