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Pantaenius 2022 - FISH LEADERBOARD

Ross Willaton (Throttles) and Tom Barry-Cotter (Helm) from the Maritimo Race Team. In AUS Ross Willaton is with son Andrew, and Tom Barry-Cotter is with Steve Jellick. At the Worlds Willaton will be with Travis Thompson and the other crew remains.

© Maritimo .
Ross Willaton (Throttles) and Tom Barry-Cotter (Helm) from the Maritimo Race Team. In AUS   
Ross Willaton is with son Andrew, and Tom Barry-Cotter is with Steve Jellick. At the Worlds Willaton will be with Travis Thompson and the other crew remains. photo copyright Maritimo . taken at  and featuring the  class
MF695 Sport Maritimo 2023 M600 FOOTERPantaenius 2022 - FISH FOOTER